Bureau ouvert

Open office or closed office: the right compromise?

The modern workplace is undergoing a major transformation, with the introduction of a new alternative to the closed office: the open office, or open space. Although they are very different, these two solutions have advantages and disadvantages that must be taken into account to determine which is best for your business. Here is some information to help you find it better.

The emergence of open offices, or open spaces

Open offices, or open spaces, have become increasingly popular in companies over the past few years, as more and more employers realize the immense benefits they can offer. Not only is the open office cost effective and makes efficient use of available space, it also has the potential to dramatically improve employee morale, productivity and collaboration.

Bureaux ouverts ou fermés : avantages et inconvénients

Historiquement, le modèle traditionnel était celui des bureaux fermés, où deux ou trois salariés partagent un espace clos. L’apparition des bureaux ouverts a chamboulé ce modèle et nos habitudes.
Mais alors, quelle configuration est la plus adaptée pour votre entreprise et vos objectifs ?

Voici un aperçu des avantages et inconvénients de chaque type d’aménagement.

Avantages des bureaux ouverts

  • Stimulation de la collaboration : L'absence de cloisons facilite la communication directe, permettant aux collaborateurs de partager idées et informations plus rapidement.
  • Encouragement de la créativité et de l’innovation : Les espaces ouverts permettent aux salariés de se déplacer librement, favorisant le brainstorming et l'interaction.
  • Rentabilité : Les bureaux ouverts optimisent l’utilisation de l’espace, ce qui peut réduire les coûts liés à la surface de bureaux nécessaire.

Limites et défis des bureaux ouverts

  • Manque de confidentialité : L'absence de murs rend difficile la protection de la vie privée et de la confidentialité des conversations et des activités professionnelles.
  • Augmentation du bruit : Les open spaces sont souvent bruyants, ce qui peut être source de distractions et réduire la concentration et la productivité.
  • Absence de limites physiques : Sans séparation claire, les salariés peuvent se sentir envahis dans leur espace personnel, ce qui peut entraîner inconfort et une baisse de productivité.
  • Sentiment d'exposition : Le manque d’intimité peut créer une insécurité pour certains collaborateurs, rendant l’espace de travail moins agréable et productif.

Advantages and disadvantages of the closed office

The closed office offers certain advantages that cannot be obtained with an open office, such as:

Inconvénients des bureaux fermés

  • Privacy: The most obvious advantage of closed offices is that they offer more privacy to their occupants. Conversations and phone calls can take place without being distracted by other conversations and noises in the office.
  • Adaptability: Closed offices also offer better control to occupants. They can control the temperature, lighting and layout of their space to make their work more comfortable.

  • Calm: in a closed office, the noise is limited to that of one, two or three people at most, which makes it possible to work in calm and silence, and is essential for some people.

Le compromis idéal : des bureaux ouverts avec cabines acoustiques

Soundproof booths provide a private, distraction-free workspace perfect for taking calls, conducting interviews, and working on projects without interruption. They create a sound barrier between the cubicle and the rest of the office, reducing background noise and allowing workers to concentrate on their tasks.

Discover the Island cabins

Travailler en toute sérénité avec les cabines Work With Island

Soundproof booths also help to create a sense of privacy and security, allowing employees to feel more comfortable and relaxed but also to be able to enjoy a moment of calm when working on a more complex project or that they feel the need to isolate themselves for a while.

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