Work With Island - Work With Island

Work With Island

(Re)thinking workspaces

The open space

We know the limits: few places to isolate oneself and often monopolized meeting rooms. Concentration and calm are inevitably difficult to find there. We have searched, in vain, for a solution to overcome this problem. It is to offer this parenthesis of tranquility and productivity that Work With Island was born.

Creator of serene and modular workspaces

Our goal: to democratize the phonebooth and imagine office furniture in a more sustainable way. Our Island cabin is ideal for making calls, having an additional meeting room or simply a space all to yourself to concentrate but above all to gain optimal flexibility. Thanks to our direct approach with the consumer, we can offer him a fair price. This transparency, we also claim it in the making of our product from eco-responsible materials (wood from sustainably managed forests, mixed wool as acoustic insulation, guaranteed production in France).

Designed by our team of engineers specializing in mechanics and acoustic solutions, the Island phonebooth is the result of a year of research and development work. Completely soundproofed, it guarantees an ultra-efficient ventilation system. For the design, we have favored clean lines as well as simple and quick assembly to adapt to all layouts (Island comes in kit form with a single tool for assembly in just one hour.) Just as easy to disassemble , you can take it with you according to your premises. We are changing the way we work; let's continue to (re)think our spaces in the same way. Sometimes it is necessary to be able to cut yourself off from the hustle and bustle of a shared workspace. Offer your employees an innovative alternative, soundproofed, ventilated and made from eco-responsible materials. Island is: a cabin to make calls, an additional meeting room, a space all to yourself to concentrate but above all an optimal gain in flexibility.

To each company, its use. Each office has its Island. Because we think big, our 4-seater model (face to face) is coming very soon. Together, let's (re)think our workspaces in a sustainable way!

Our expertise
at your service

We offer a tailor-made service to best meet the needs of your business. To each company, its use. Each office has its Island.

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